As of: 12/21/2024 8:18:41 PM
Created: 3/23/2023 3:04 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Created: 3/23/2023 3:04 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:15 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
House Bills are Sponsor Only
Del Korman, et al
Nonpublic Education - Placements of Children With Disabilities - Teacher Salaries (Teacher Pay Parity Act)
Del J. Lewis, et al
Public School Construction - Programs, Approvals, and Administration - Alterations
Del Embry, et al
Recordation Tax - Purchase Money Mortgage or Purchase Money Deed of Trust - Extent of Exemption
(Jointly assigned to Budget and Taxation\Finance)
Del Feldmark, et al
Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Qualified Homeowner - Application and Certification Requirements
Del Kerr, et al
Public Projects - Procurement of Construction Materials (Buy Clean Maryland Act)
Created: 3/20/2023 8:18 PM
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Updated Bill Order
Del Kaufman, et al
Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo, et al
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure - Requirements (Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
Dels Pasteur and Holmes
Housing and Community Development - Common Ownership Community Website
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Del Griffith, et al
Study on the Utilization of the Expedited Licensing Process for Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses
Del Charkoudian
Public Service Companies - Annual Report on Votes Cast at Meetings of Regional Transmission Organizations
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
Del Howard
Real Estate Brokers - Disability or Death and Termination of Employment of a Broker
(Added - 3/21/2023 1:32 PM)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Land Use - Development of Neglected Property PG 406-23
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)
Del Kaiser, et al
Public Information Act - Decisions of the State Public Information Act Compliance Board - Appeals
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)
Created: 3/28/2023 9:15 AM
3:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Created: 3/21/2023 11:13 AM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
All bills are sponsor only except for HB 277.
Del Arentz, et al
Caroline and Queen Anne's Counties - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Residency Requirement
Harford County Delegation
Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-HTF (Hatchet Throwing Facility) License
(Added - 3/24/2023 12:50 PM)
Howard County Delegation
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Residency Requirements Ho. Co. 11-23
Howard County Delegation
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Repeal of Petition of Support Requirement Ho. Co. 12-23
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County – Alcoholic Beverages – Holders of Class B–BWL (Clubhouse/Lodge) License and Class 7 Micro–Brewery License MC 16–23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Montgomery County Delegation
Montgomery County - Alcohol Beverage Services - Advisory Board MC 04-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Licensing PG 305-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-Stadium (Baseball Stadium) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License PG 306-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses, Inspections, Penalties, and Workgroup PG 302-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation
Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Main Street Laurel Development PG 404-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Frederick County Delegation
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Golf Simulator Facility
Frederick County Delegation
Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Display of License
Frederick County Delegation
Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Miniature Golf Course License
Frederick County Delegation
Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Class B–HTF (Hatchet Throwing Facility) License
Created: 3/28/2023 11:33 AM
2:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Del Kaiser, et al
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Gender-Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
Del Kelly, et al
State Board of Nursing – Sunset Extension, Licensure Exceptions, and Board Operations and Membership
Sen Kelly
State Board of Nursing – Sunset Extension, Licensure Exceptions, and Board Operations and Membership
Del Moon, et al
Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland)
Sen Augustine
Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland)
Created: 3/22/2023 10:43 AM
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
All bills EXCEPT for HB 151 are SPONSOR ONLY.
Del Hill, et al
Failure to Pay Rent Proceedings - Prohibition on Rent Increases and Shielding of Court Records
Del Holmes
Real Property - Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Bodies and Annual Meetings
Del Terrasa, et al
Real Property - Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Virtual Meetings
Created: 3/28/2023 10:37 AM
2:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Sen Feldman
State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program – Domestic Partnerships
Calvert County Senators
Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools
Sens Waldstreicher and Smith
Fire, Rescue, or Emergency Medical Services Entities - Peer Support Programs
Sen Jackson
Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System – City of Bowie Police Department – Transfers and Purchases of Service
Chr B&T (Dept)
State Department of Assessments and Taxation – Mandatory Retirement Age – Repeal
Prince George's County Senators
Prince George’s County Violence Interrupter Support Program Fund
Created: 3/22/2023 12:59 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Departmental bills are Sponsor Only - oral testimony. Written testimony accepted from interested parties.
Sen Augustine, et al
Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship 2030 Commission and Representation on the Apprenticeship and Training Council
Sen Corderman
Business Regulation - Home Improvement Commission - Guaranty Fund and Award Limits
Sen Smith
Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Provisions - Application of Prohibition
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Env Committee
State Board of Certified Interior Designers - Sunset Extension
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Envi Committee
State Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects - Sunset Extension
Created: 3/28/2023 9:50 AM
2:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Immediately following bill hearings.
Created: 3/20/2023 2:47 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
*This bill is sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/22/2023 1:06 PM)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:45 PM)
Sen Muse
Town of Forest Heights (Prince George's County) - Urban Renewal Authority for Blight Clearance
*This bill is sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 2:10 PM)
*This bill is sponsor only for oral testimony
Sen Carter
Real Estate - Real Estate Brokerage Services and Termination of Residential Real Estate Contracts (The Anthony Moorman Act)
Created: 3/27/2023 3:37 PM
1:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Del Lehman, et al
Street Racing and Exhibition Driving - Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Judiciary)
(Added - 3/28/2023 11:14 AM)
Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - Work Session
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Created: 3/22/2023 7:24 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Special Witness Guidelines
All bills are sponsor only, unless otherwise noted.
All bills are sponsor only, unless otherwise noted.
Sens Beidle and Augustine
Public Health - Mental Health Advance Directives - Awareness and Statewide Database
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sens Klausmeier and Mautz
Behavioral Health Care Coordination Value-Based Purchasing Pilot Program
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Appropriations)
Sen Kramer, et al
Grocery Stores and Restaurants - Automated External Defibrillator Program (Joe Sheya Act)
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Economic Matters)
Sen Guzzone
Animal Testing and Research - Human-Relevant Research Funding and Animal Testing and Research Contributions
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Ways and Means)
Sen M. Washington, et al
Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Gender–Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
Sens Carozza and Mautz
Behavioral Health Programs - Residential Programs - Food Service Facility Requirements
Sen Zucker, et al
Medicaid Waiver Programs – Waitlist and Registry Reduction (End the Wait Act)
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sen McCray
Maternal Mortality Review Program - Local Teams - Access to Information and Records
Chr FIN (Dept)
Department of Disabilities - State Coordinator for Autism Strategy and Maryland Commission on Disabilities - Alterations
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Created: 3/27/2023 8:20 PM
2:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Sen M. Washington, et al
Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Gender–Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
Sens Klausmeier and Mautz
Behavioral Health Care Coordination Value-Based Purchasing Pilot Program
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
Created: 3/23/2023 4:19 PM
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HB 1232 and SB 184.
Created: 3/23/2023 4:21 PM
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HB 354, HB 703, SB 26, SB 354, and SB 584.
HB 1155.
(Added - 3/23/2023 4:54 PM)
Created: 3/22/2023 3:22 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Sen Waldstreicher, et al
Criminal Law - Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking - Safe Harbor and Service Response
Sen Hettleman
Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services - Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit Reporting Program
Sen McKay
Family Law - Custody and Visitation - Notice of Intent to Travel (Maryland Child Abduction Prevention Act)
(Jointly assigned to Judiciary\Health and Government Operations)
Sen Smith
Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition, Damages, and Statute of Limitations (The Child Victims Act of 2023)
Created: 3/18/2023 1:44 PM
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Kagan, et al
Election Law - Ballot Processing and Reporting Procedures and 2024 Primary Date
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Charles County Senators
Charles County - Property Tax - Credit for Volunteer Emergency Responders
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Hayes
Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Qualified Homeowner - Application and Certification Requirements
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Benson
Property Tax - Municipal Corporation Business Personal Property Tax Rate and Local Government Reporting Requirements - Alterations
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Created: 3/27/2023 7:41 PM
3:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Joint Conference-Appropriations and Budget & Taxation Committees