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As of: 12/21/2024 8:18:41 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Created: 3/23/2023 3:04 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Rosapepe

Job Help for All
Sen McCray

State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds
Frederick County Senators

Frederick County - Electronic Tip Jar Machines - Authorization and Regulation

Created: 3/23/2023 3:04 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:15 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
House Bills are Sponsor Only
Del J. Lewis

Equitable and Inclusive Transit-Oriented Development Enhancement Act
Del Korman, et al

Nonpublic Education - Placements of Children With Disabilities - Teacher Salaries (Teacher Pay Parity Act)
Del J. Lewis, et al

Public School Construction - Programs, Approvals, and Administration - Alterations
Del Embry, et al

Recordation Tax - Purchase Money Mortgage or Purchase Money Deed of Trust - Extent of Exemption
Del Qi, et al

Economic Development - Industry 4.0 Technology Grant Program
(Jointly assigned to Budget and Taxation\Finance)
Del Feldmark, et al

Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Qualified Homeowner - Application and Certification Requirements
Del Kerr, et al

Public Projects - Procurement of Construction Materials (Buy Clean Maryland Act)
Del Cullison

State Personnel - Executive Branch Service Contracts - Notification

Created: 3/20/2023 8:18 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Updated Bill Order
Del Kaufman, et al

Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act)
Del Charkoudian

Social Services Programs - Eligibility and Enrollment
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
Del Foley, et al

Local Government - Regulatory Powers - Regulation of Invasive Bamboo
Del Chisholm, et al

Anne Arundel County - School Vehicles - Duration of Operation
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Del Queen, et al

Utility Account Holders - Victims of Abuse - Protections
Del Guzzone

Public Information Act - Inspection of E-Mail Addresses and Telephone Numbers
Del Fraser-Hidalgo, et al

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure - Requirements (Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act)
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
Dels Pasteur and Holmes

Housing and Community Development - Common Ownership Community Website
Del Jackson

Public Service Commission – Judicial Review – Proceedings
Del Terrasa

Municipal Elections – Candidates – Reports of Donations and Disbursements
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Del Griffith, et al

Study on the Utilization of the Expedited Licensing Process for Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses
Del Charkoudian

Public Service Companies - Annual Report on Votes Cast at Meetings of Regional Transmission Organizations
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:28 PM)
Del Howard

Real Estate Brokers - Disability or Death and Termination of Employment of a Broker
(Added - 3/21/2023 1:32 PM)
Del Rosenberg, et al

Election Reform Act of 2023
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:00 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Land Use - Development of Neglected Property PG 406-23
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)
Del Kaiser, et al

Public Information Act - Decisions of the State Public Information Act Compliance Board - Appeals
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)
Del Munoz, et al

State Information Technology - Prohibited Applications and Websites
(Removed - 3/21/2023 3:34 PM)

Created: 3/28/2023 9:15 AM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/21/2023 11:13 AM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
All bills are sponsor only except for HB 277.
Del Arentz, et al

Caroline and Queen Anne's Counties - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Residency Requirement
Harford County Delegation

Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Stadium License Annual Fee
Harford County Delegation

Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-HTF (Hatchet Throwing Facility) License
(Added - 3/24/2023 12:50 PM)
Harford County Delegation

Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Alteration of License Quota
Howard County Delegation

Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Public Hearing Ho. Co. 13-23
Howard County Delegation

Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Residency Requirements Ho. Co. 11-23
Howard County Delegation

Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Repeal of Petition of Support Requirement Ho. Co. 12-23
Montgomery County Delegation

Montgomery County – Alcoholic Beverages – Holders of Class B–BWL (Clubhouse/Lodge) License and Class 7 Micro–Brewery License MC 16–23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Montgomery County Delegation

Montgomery County - Alcohol Beverage Services - Advisory Board MC 04-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Licensing PG 305-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B-Stadium (Baseball Stadium) Beer, Wine, and Liquor License PG 306-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses, Inspections, Penalties, and Workgroup PG 302-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Prince George's County Delegation

Prince George's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Main Street Laurel Development PG 404-23
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:21 PM)
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Golf Simulator Facility
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Display of License
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Sunday Sales
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Miniature Golf Course License
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County – Alcoholic Beverages – Class B–HTF (Hatchet Throwing Facility) License
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Basket of Cheer
Frederick County Delegation

Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Consumption Permits

Created: 3/28/2023 11:33 AM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
2:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Del Kaiser, et al

Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Gender-Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
Del Bagnall, et al

Public Health - Home- and Community-Based Services for Children and Youth
Del Kelly, et al

State Board of Nursing – Sunset Extension, Licensure Exceptions, and Board Operations and Membership
Sen Kelly

State Board of Nursing – Sunset Extension, Licensure Exceptions, and Board Operations and Membership
Del Moon, et al

Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland)
Sen Augustine

Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland)

Created: 3/22/2023 10:43 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
All bills EXCEPT for HB 151 are SPONSOR ONLY.
Del Hill, et al

Failure to Pay Rent Proceedings - Prohibition on Rent Increases and Shielding of Court Records
Del Foley

Condominiums - Sales Contracts - Asbestos Disclosure
Del Holmes

Real Property - Condominiums and Homeowners Associations - Governing Bodies and Annual Meetings
Del Wells

Real Property - Residential Leases - Notification of Rent Increases
Del Fair

Public Health - Prohibition on Transfer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Repeal
Del Terrasa, et al

Real Property - Cooperative Housing Corporations, Condominiums, and Homeowners Associations - Virtual Meetings
Del Charles

Maryland Condominium Act – Amendments to the Declaration
Del Holmes

Homeowners Associations - Recorded Liens - Voting Prohibition
Calvert County Delegation

Calvert County - Civil Infractions - Prosecutorial Designations

Created: 3/28/2023 10:37 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Voting Session
2:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD

Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Sen Elfreth, et al

Maryland State Arts Council - Funding
Sen Feldman

State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program – Domestic Partnerships
Sen McKay

Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System - Frostburg City Police Department
Sen King, et al

University System of Maryland - Board of Regents - Quasi-Endowment Funds
Calvert County Senators

Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools
Sen M. Washington

Libraries - Aging Infrastructure Improvement Grant Program - Established
Sens Waldstreicher and Smith

Fire, Rescue, or Emergency Medical Services Entities - Peer Support Programs
Sen Guzzone

Goodwill Industries of Chesapeake Excel Center in Baltimore City - Alterations
Sen Guzzone, et al

Maryland Small Food Banks Grant Program - Establishment
Sen Jackson

Law Enforcement Officers’ Pension System – City of Bowie Police Department – Transfers and Purchases of Service
Chr JPR (Dept)

Public Safety - Deputy State Fire Marshal - Probationary Status and Promotion
Chr B&T (Dept)

State Department of Assessments and Taxation – Mandatory Retirement Age – Repeal
Prince George's County Senators

Prince George’s County Violence Interrupter Support Program Fund

Created: 3/22/2023 12:59 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Departmental bills are Sponsor Only - oral testimony.  Written testimony accepted from interested parties. Agenda
Sen Augustine, et al

Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship 2030 Commission and Representation on the Apprenticeship and Training Council
Sen Guzzone (Office of the Comptroller)

Commercial Law – Abandoned Property – Alterations
Sen Corderman

Business Regulation - Home Improvement Commission - Guaranty Fund and Award Limits
Sen Kramer

Commercial Financing Transactions
Sen Smith

Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Provisions - Application of Prohibition
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Env Committee

State Board of Architects - Sunset Extension
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Env Committee

State Board of Certified Interior Designers - Sunset Extension
Chr, Educ, Energy, and the Env Committee

State Board of Foresters - Sunset Extension
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Envi Committee

State Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects - Sunset Extension
Chr Educ, Energy, and Env Committee

State Board of Stationary Engineers - Sunset Extension
Chr, Educ, Energy, and Env Committee

Public Safety - State Fuel Security Program
Chr B&T (Dept)

Corporations and Associations - Electronic Copies Fee - Repeal
Sen Kramer, et al

Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage - Violations - Referrals

Public Utilities Subcommittee - (Economic Matters Committee)
Created: 3/28/2023 9:50 AM
Public Utilities Subcommittee - Work Session
2:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Immediately following bill hearings.

Created: 3/20/2023 2:47 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Sen Hayes

Baltimore City - Commercial Use - Definition
*This bill is sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/22/2023 1:06 PM)
Sen M. Washington

Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy Task Force
Sen M. Washington

Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Establishment
(Added - 3/21/2023 3:45 PM)
Sen Muse

Town of Forest Heights (Prince George's County) - Urban Renewal Authority for Blight Clearance
*This bill is sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 2:10 PM)
Sen James, et al

Human Relations - Housing Discrimination - Service Dogs
*This bill is sponsor only for oral testimony
Sen Carter

Real Estate - Real Estate Brokerage Services and Termination of Residential Real Estate Contracts (The Anthony Moorman Act)

Created: 3/27/2023 3:37 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Voting Session
1:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Del Lehman, et al

Street Racing and Exhibition Driving - Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties
(Jointly assigned to Environment and Transportation\Judiciary)
(Added - 3/28/2023 11:14 AM)

Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Natural Resources, Agriculture & Open Space Subcommittee - Work Session
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 3/22/2023 7:24 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Special Witness Guidelines
All bills are sponsor only, unless otherwise noted.
Sen Ferguson, et al

Declaration of Rights - Right to Reproductive Freedom
Sens Beidle and Augustine

Public Health - Mental Health Advance Directives - Awareness and Statewide Database
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sens Klausmeier and Mautz

Behavioral Health Care Coordination Value-Based Purchasing Pilot Program
Sen Hester

Public Health - Home- and Community-Based Services for Children and Youth
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Appropriations)
Sen Kramer, et al

Grocery Stores and Restaurants - Automated External Defibrillator Program (Joe Sheya Act)
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Economic Matters)
Sen Guzzone

Animal Testing and Research - Human-Relevant Research Funding and Animal Testing and Research Contributions
(Jointly assigned to Health and Government Operations\Ways and Means)
Sens Hershey and Hayes

Hospitals - Financial Assistance - Medical Bill Reimbursement Process
Sen M. Washington, et al

Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Gender–Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
Sen M. Washington

Human Services - Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council
Sens Ellis and Hester

Health and Human Services Transportation Improvement Act of 2023
Sens Carozza and Mautz

Behavioral Health Programs - Residential Programs - Food Service Facility Requirements
Sen Zucker, et al

Medicaid Waiver Programs – Waitlist and Registry Reduction (End the Wait Act)
Sens Lam and Salling

Health Services Cost Review Commission - Members - Appointment
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.
Sen McCray

Maternal Mortality Review Program - Local Teams - Access to Information and Records
Sen Guzzone

Recovery Residence Grant Program – Establishment
Sens Gile and Elfreth

Public Health - Parkinson's Disease - Advisory Committee and Website
Chr FIN (Dept)

Department of Disabilities - State Coordinator for Autism Strategy and Maryland Commission on Disabilities - Alterations
One witness to speak in favor of the bill, one witness opposed, and the bill sponsor.

Created: 3/27/2023 8:20 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Voting Session
2:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Sen M. Washington, et al

Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Gender–Affirming Treatment (Trans Health Equity Act)
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
Sen Gile, et al

Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2023
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
Sens Klausmeier and Mautz

Behavioral Health Care Coordination Value-Based Purchasing Pilot Program
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)
Sen Ferguson, et al

Declaration of Rights - Right to Reproductive Freedom
(Added - 3/28/2023 1:25 PM)

Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/23/2023 4:19 PM
Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HB 1232 and SB 184.

Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/23/2023 4:21 PM
Public Health and Minority Health Disparities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HB 354, HB 703, SB 26, SB 354, and SB 584.
HB 1155.
(Added - 3/23/2023 4:54 PM)

Created: 3/22/2023 3:22 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
Sen Waldstreicher, et al

Criminal Law - Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking - Safe Harbor and Service Response
Sen Carter

Child in Need of Assistance - Neglect - Cannabis Use
Sen Hettleman

Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits - Preservation and Storage
Sen Hettleman

Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services - Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit Reporting Program
Sens Lewis Young and Rosapepe

Criminal Procedure - Victims of Sexually Assaultive Behavior
Sen McKay

Family Law - Custody and Visitation - Notice of Intent to Travel (Maryland Child Abduction Prevention Act)
Sens Kelly and Beidle

Criminal Law - Sexual Crimes - Repeal of Spousal Defense
Sen Smith

Reproductive Health Protection Act
(Jointly assigned to Judiciary\Health and Government Operations)
Sen Smith

Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition, Damages, and Statute of Limitations (The Child Victims Act of 2023)

Created: 3/18/2023 1:44 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
Sens Zucker and Guzzone

Recordation Tax - Indemnity Mortgage Exemption - Threshold Amount
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Howard County Senators

Howard County - Board of Education - Terms
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Kagan

Election Law - Campaign Finance - Draft Committees and Exploratory Committees
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Kagan, et al

Election Law - Ballot Processing and Reporting Procedures and 2024 Primary Date
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
Sen Corderman, et al

Tax Sales - Revisions
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Charles County Senators

Charles County - Property Tax - Credit for Volunteer Emergency Responders
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Carter (BCA)

Baltimore City – Collection of Unpaid Property Taxes
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Hayes

Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Qualified Homeowner - Application and Certification Requirements
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen McCray

Baltimore City - Property Tax - In Rem Foreclosure of Vacant or Nuisance Property
This bill is Sponsor only oral testimony
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)
Sen Benson

Property Tax - Municipal Corporation Business Personal Property Tax Rate and Local Government Reporting Requirements - Alterations
(Added - 3/21/2023 12:12 PM)

Conference Committee
Created: 3/27/2023 7:41 PM
3:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD
Joint Conference-Appropriations and Budget & Taxation Committees

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