2008 Regular Session
Records -see also- Land Records; Vital Records
- Entitled
Landlord and Tenant - Commercial Retail Property - Common Area Maintenance
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Copper Scrap Metal - Required Records
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Home Financial Accountability Act of 2008
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Credit Regulation - Residential Mortgages - Interest on Escrow Accounts
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Lead-Containing Children's Products - Prohibition
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance and Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Construction Industry Employee Misclassification Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
- Entitled
Juveniles - Arrests for Reportable Offenses - Expansion of Notification
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Public Safety - DNA Data Base System - Sample Collection on Arrest
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Howard County - Criminal History Records Checks - Fingerprinting Requirement
Ho. Co. 05-08
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Baltimore County - Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Radar Cameras
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Parental Choice Scholarship Program
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Smart Start Scholarship Program
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Personal Records - Collection of Personal Information
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Hereditary and Congenital Disorders - Newborn Screening
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Residential Child Care Programs - Behavior Management Intervention
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Contracts with Pharmacies and Pharmacists
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Child Abuse and Neglect - Child Welfare - Alternative Response
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Procurement - Purchase of Apparel by State Agencies - Labor Standards
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Tax - Property - Property Value Assessments - Disclosure of Improvements
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Pawnbrokers - Required Records - Photographs of Individuals
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Statewide Authorization and Use in
Highway Work Zones
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Public Safety - Statewide DNA Data Base System - Crimes of Violence and
Burglary - Sample Collections on Charge
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Public Safety - Offender Registry - Frequency of Photograph
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Communicable Diseases or Conditions - Reporting
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Commissioner of Labor and Industry - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety -
Authorized Inspection Agencies
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Uniform Power of Attorney Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Financial Institutions - Cooperative Agreements and Information Sharing with
Government Agencies
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Registration
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Office of the State Prosecutor - Subpoena Authority
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
State Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration
Contractors and State Board of Plumbing - Firm Permit
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation - Unemployment Insurance Claims
- Lower Appeals Division
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Birth Defects Research - Medical
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Minority Environmental and Land Trust
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Sunset Extension and
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Motor Vehicle Administration - Commercial Drivers' Licenses
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters and Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Health Care Decisions Act - Advance Directives - Electronic Documents and
Electronic Signatures
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Regulated Firearms - Encoded Ammunition - Tax
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary and Ways and Means
- Entitled
Advisory Council on Prescription Drug Monitoring - Study
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Morbidity, Mortality, and Quality Review Committee - Pregnancy and Childhood
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Teenage Protection Pilot Program
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Database for Terminated Health Occupation Licensees and Employees Who Provide
Services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Video Slot Machines Revenues and Operations
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Injured Workers' Insurance Fund - Report of Loss Experience - Rating
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Education - Maryland Education Fund - Establishment and Funding
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters and Ways and Means
- Entitled
State Government - Custodian of Records - Inspection of Public Records
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Schools - Children With Anaphylactic Allergies - Reduction of Risk
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Washington County - County Clerk
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Police and Court Records - Nuisance Crimes - Expungement
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Access to Public Records - Permissible Denials - Public Institutions of Higher
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Crane Operators Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Global Warming Solutions - Reductions in Greenhouse Gases
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters and Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Public Safety - Statewide DNA Database System - Sexual Offenses and Kidnapping
- Sample Collection on Arrest
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Health Care Facility Visitation and Medical Decisions - Domestic Partners
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for
Nonresident Driver
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Consumer Protection - Sale or Distribution of Personal Information -
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Medical Advisory Board - Use of Confidential Records and Reports
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Children - Records - Access by the Baltimore City Health Department
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Task Force on Educational Issues Affecting Military Children
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Women's Health - HIV Testing and Infant Mortality Reduction
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Board of Dental Examiners Nomination and Disciplinary Processes - Task
Force on the Discipline of Health Care Professionals and Improved Patient Care
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Homeowners Associations - Meetings - Notice, Comment, and Documentation
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Mercury Switch Removal from Vehicles
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Family Law - Domestic Partnerships
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
State Board of Physicians - Subpoenas - Medical Records for Mental Health
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Reporting Lost or Stolen
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Maryland Anatomical Gift Donor Registry
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Health Care Providers - Disclosure of Medical Records - Children in Need of
Assistance Proceedings
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Prince George's County - Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
- Community Center Homework Rooms
PG/MC 113-08
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Credit Regulation - Debt Management Services
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Real Property - Homeowners Associations and Condominiums - Transition of
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists - Discipline of Licensees -
Disclosure of Information
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Commercial Law - Abandoned Property - Notice to Apparent Owners
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
HIV Testing - Informed Consent and Treatment
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Title Service Agents - Fees
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Prince George's County Hospital Authority
PG 410-08
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Prince George's County Hospital Authority
PG 403-08
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Common Ownership Communities - Fidelity Bond Coverage
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
City of Annapolis - Drug-Free Zones
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Public Safety - DNA Sample Collection on Arrest - Undocumented Aliens
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Election Law - Periodic Audit of Statewide Voter Registration List
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Identity Fraud - Personal and Business Documents and Cardholder Affidavits -
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Payment Information Security Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Contents of Computer Database - Unauthorized Duplication and Possession
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Family Law - Civil Unions - Establishment, Rights, and Responsibilities
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Identity Fraud - Prohibitions, Evidence, and Penalties
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Maryland Universal Health Care Plan
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Labor and Employment - Pay Disparity Data - Reporting
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Secondhand Precious Metal Object Dealers and Pawnbrokers - Electronic Reporting
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Credit Regulation - Debt Settlement and Debt Management Services Providers
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Education - Foster Child Incentive Program
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Cecil County - Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Higher Education - Disclosure of Education Records - Notice to Students and
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
State Board of Security Systems Technicians and Locksmiths - Licensing
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Business Regulation - Mold Remediation Services - Licensing
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Real Estate Licensees - Record Keeping
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Energy Administration - Maryland Clean Energy Center
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Child Abuse and Neglect - Monitoring of Abusers
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Criminal Procedure - Offender Registry - Minors
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Maryland Clean Energy Center
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Driver Improvement Programs - Deduction of Accumulated Points
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Power of Attorney Accountability Act (Loretta's Law)
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Medical Records - Disclosure - Blood Alcohol Concentration
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Utility Companies - Maryland Energy Generation Authority
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Health Occupations - Board of Pharmacy - Remote Automated Medication Systems
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Business Regulation - Tobacco Paraphernalia
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Maryland Individual Tax Preparers Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Juvenile Causes - Confidentiality of Records - Access by Division of Parole and
Probation and Parole Commission
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Health Occupations - Maryland Athletic Trainers Act
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Health - Food Containing a Product of Cloned Animals - Labeling
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Health Occupations Boards - Investigators - Confidentiality of Medical
Information and Records
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners - Licensure of
Massage Therapists
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Health and Government Operations
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Employer Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Election Law - Maryland Student Voting Rights Act of 2008
- Committee
Assignments -
House: House Rules and Executive Nominations
- Entitled
Public Service Commission - Nuclear Decommissioning, Electric Industry
Restructuring, and Acquisition and Financing Approvals
- Committee
Assignments -
House: Economic Matters
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Teenage Protection Pilot Program
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Commercial Law - Abandoned Property - Notice to Apparent Owners
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Gaming - Slot Machines - Ownership and Operation by Eligible Nonprofit
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Public Safety - Statewide DNA Data Base System - Sample Collection on Arrest -
First and Second Degree Rape
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Identity Fraud - Prohibitions, Evidence, and Penalties
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Maryland Uniform Power of Attorney Act - Loretta's Law
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Lead-Containing Children's Products - Prohibition
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
State Archives - Records and Other Services - Fees
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Safety - Statewide DNA Data Base System - Crimes of Violence and
Burglary - Sample Collections on Charge - Postconviction DNA Testing
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Maryland False Health Claims Act
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Juveniles - Arrests for Reportable Offenses - Expansion of Notification
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Residential Child Care Programs - Behavior Management Intervention
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Statewide Authorization and Use in
Highway Work Zones
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Global Warming Solutions - Reductions in Greenhouse Gases
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Economic Matters and Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Identity Fraud - Cardholder Affidavits - Evidence
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Public Safety - DNA Data Base System - Sample Collection on Arrest
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Task Force on Reducing State Budget Expenditures for Record Management and
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
House: Appropriations
- Entitled
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Regulated Scrap Metal
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Business Regulation - Tobacco Paraphernalia
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Payment of Fees for Motor Vehicle Records
- Required
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Public Health - Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, or Phenylpropanolamine Purchases -
Statewide Electronic Logbook
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
- Entitled
Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for
Nonresident Driver
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Education - Military Recruiters - Student Contact Information - Opportunity to
Opt Out
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Criminal Procedure - Offender Registry - Minors
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
State Board of Physicians - Subpoenas - Medical Records for Mental Health
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Task Force on Educational Issues Affecting Military Children
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Ways and Means
- Entitled
Business Regulation - Returnable Containers - Purchases of Plastic Milk Crates
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Sunset Extension and
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
State Government - Custodian of Records - Inspection of Public Records
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Health Care Facility Visitation and Medical Decisions - Domestic Partners
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Safety - Statewide DNA Database System - Sexual Offenses and Kidnapping
- Sample Collection on Arrest
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Medical Advisory Board - Use of Confidential Records and Reports
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Environmental Matters
- Entitled
Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Reporting Lost or Stolen
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Real Property - Homeowners Associations and Condominiums - Transition of
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Common Ownership Communities - Fidelity Bond Coverage
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Children - Records - Access by the Baltimore City Health Department
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Vehicle Laws - Violations by Drivers Under the Age of 18 Years - Driver's
License Suspensions
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Election Law - Maryland Student Voting Rights Act of 2008
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Office of the State Prosecutor - Subpoena Authority
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Credit Regulation - Debt Management Services
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Power of Attorney Accountability Act (Lorretta's Law)
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Family Law - Domestic Partnerships
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
Police and Court Records - Nuisance Crimes - Expungement
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Judiciary
- Entitled
Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Registration
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Pharmacy Benefits Managers - Contracts with Pharmacies and Pharmacists
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Human Services - Residential Child Care Program - Bill of Rights
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Real Estate Licensees - Record Keeping
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
State Board of Dental Examiners Nomination and Disciplinary Processes - Task
Force on the Discipline of Health Care Professionals and Improved Patient Care
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Maryland Anatomical Gift Donor Registry
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Health Occupations - Board of Pharmacy - Remote Automated Medication Systems
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Education - Scholarship Program for Children with a Disability
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Maryland Individual Tax Preparers Act
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Education - Alcohol and Drug Testing for Pupils in Public or Private Schools
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
HIV Testing - Informed Consent and Treatment
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Birth Defects Research - Medical
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors -
Criminal Background Checks
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Regulated Firearms - Applications for Dealer's License - Record Keeping and
Reporting Requirements
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
City of Annapolis - Drug-Free Area or City
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Judicial Proceedings
- Entitled
State Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners - Licensure of
Massage Therapists
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs
House: Health and Government Operations
- Entitled
Public Education - Bridge to Excellence - Video Lottery Terminals
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Maryland Clean Energy Center
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Uniform Commercial Code - Financing Statements - Termination by Government
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters
- Entitled
Department of Housing and Community Development - Rent Stabilization Program
for Seniors
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Education Health and Environmental Affairs and Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Education - Maryland Education Fund - Establishment and Funding
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance and Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- Entitled
Prince George's County Hospital Authority
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Budget and Taxation
- Entitled
Public Service Commission - Nuclear Decommissioning, Electric Industry
Restructuring, and Acquisition and Financing Approvals
- Committee
Assignments -
Senate: Finance
House: Economic Matters